Grooming Salon

1 Willingcroft Cottages, Pinvin, Pershore, WR10 2LB

Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Call today

555 221


Dog teeth cleaning is an important part of your pets’ hygiene.

Cleaning removes tartar from the dogs teeth, and improves gum health preventing gum disease and bad breath. Dog teeth cleaning is usually recommended about every 4 months in order to keep your dog in peak health.

Our expert dog care assistants will ensure your dog gets the best tooth clean available and returns home healthy, happy and with shiny clean teeth!

We recommend you repeat dog teeth cleaning every 4 months to keep your dog in peak condition.

Make an Appointment

from *£5

* dependent on breed and condition

Teeth Brushing
Ear Cleaning
Nail Trimming
Anal Glands