Grooming Salon

1 Willingcroft Cottages, Pinvin, Pershore, WR10 2LB

Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Call today

555 221


Nail trimming is important because it prevents your dogs nails from splitting and scratching.

Clipping your dogs nails also makes it more comfortable for them to walk, and it wont hurt them. You will also benefit from this if you get scratched a lot!


Most dog owners are terrified of the prospect of cutting their dog nails. They worry about cutting too much, cutting too deep and causing pain, suffering and bleeding. They also worry about leaving their dog with a bad experience that will make trimming harder in the future.

If you are one of these owners, don’t worry. We can trim your dogs nails with no fuss or fanfare. If your dogs nails are getting too long bring them along today, and get one of our experienced groomers to trim and tidy your dogs paws, and leave you and your dog with large smiles.

Make an Appointment

from *£6

* dependent on breed and condition

Teeth Brushing
Ear Cleaning
Nail Trimming
Anal Glands