Grooming Salon

1 Willingcroft Cottages, Pinvin, Pershore, WR10 2LB

Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Call today

555 221


We offer hand stripping services for owners who want their terrier type breeds to keep a hard coat and retain the true look of the breed.

Stripping maintains a proper wire coat, a hand stripped coat is much easier to keep clean. The hard hair does not retain dirt or odours and matting is usually non-existent. It also keeps a more natural look for the breed type.

Hand stripping is a process that involves plucking out the dead coat of the dog by hand.

Hand stripping is suggested approximately every 4-6 months.

This service is also open to other breeds of dogs. Please call us to discuss.

Make an Appointment

from *£38

* dependent on breed and condition

Teeth Brushing
Ear Cleaning
Nail Trimming
Anal Glands