Grooming Salon

1 Willingcroft Cottages, Pinvin, Pershore, WR10 2LB

Mon-Sat 8am to 6pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Call today

555 221

Dog Grooming in Style

Enjoy the best grooming styles and care for your dog

Dog Grooming

From experts who care
Dog Being Clipped and Brushed
Following the hugely successful dog training centre, at Vale Dog Training, we have now added a professional dog grooming salon for our new and existing customers.

If you puppy needs to attend a introduction to grooming session, more experienced dogs requiring de-shedding or hand stripping services, or a simple nail clip, ear clean or full groom, we are here to help.

You can even have your dog styled during its pet grooming session to either the style befitting the breed or something more personal. The choice is yours.

Once you have enjoyed a day in doggy day care, puppy training classes or a dog agility session, why not book in to our dog grooming salon to give your dog the ultimate treat.

Your dog will leave us no only tired and content with the training or care received, they will return home to you in style feeling silky smooth and smelling great.

Our Story

Professional Dog Grooming ServiceS located in Pinvin, Pershore.

Following the hugely successful dog training centre, at Vale Dog Training, we have now added a professional dog grooming salon for our new and existing customers.

If you puppy needs to attend a introduction to grooming session, more experienced dogs requiring de-shedding or hand stripping services, or a simple nail clip, ear clean or full groom, we are here to help.

You can even have your dog styled during its pet grooming session to either the style befitting the breed or something more personal. The choice is yours.

Once you have enjoyed a day in doggy day care, puppy training classes or a dog agility session, why not book in to our dog grooming salon to give your dog the ultimate treat.

Your dog will leave us no only tired and content with the training or care received, they will return home to you in style feeling silky smooth and smelling great.

Following the hugely successful dog training centre, at Vale Dog Training, we have now added a professional dog grooming salon for our new and existing customers.

If you puppy needs to attend a introduction to grooming session, more experienced dogs requiring de-shedding or hand stripping services, or a simple nail clip, ear clean or full groom, we are here to help.

You can even have your dog styled during its pet grooming session to either the style befitting the breed or something more personal. The choice is yours.

Once you have enjoyed a day in doggy day care, puppy training classes or a dog agility session, why not book in to our dog grooming salon to give your dog the ultimate treat.

Your dog will leave us no only tired and content with the training or care received, they will return home to you in style feeling silky smooth and smelling great.

Dog Being Clipped and Brushed
Our Services
Wash & Go Paw Icon

Wash & Go

Ideal for when you are in a hurry and your dog needs a general clean up.
Paw Icon

Bath, Dry & Brushout

A thorough clean, hand drying and brushing out all those loose hairs.
Paw Icon

Full Groom

A proper pampering session including full wash, dry and brush including a full health check, nail clip, ear check and clean.
Dog Groomed in a pink towel
Paw Icon

Puppy Introduction

An ideal start to your puppies cleaning life. Make your pups first grooming experience fun and happy to ensure your dog looks forward to bath time.
Paw Icon

De-shedding Bath & Brush

For all you “hair everywhere” dog owners who love your dogs but not the hair all over your home and furniture.
Paw Icon

Hand Stripping

For owners who need their dogs top hair removed on a regular basis. Our experts ensure you are happy with the results.

Wash & Go

[Click for more details]

Ideal for when you are in a hurry and your dog
needs a general clean up.

Full Groom

[Click for more details]

A proper pampering session including full wash, dry and brush including a full health check, nail clip, ear check and clean.

De-shedding Bath & Brush

[Click for more details]

For all you “hair everywhere” dog owners who love your dogs but not the hair all over your home and furniture.

Bath, Dry & Brushout

[Click for more details]

A thorough clean, hand drying and brushing out all those loose hairs.

Puppy Introduction

[Click for more details]

An ideal start to your puppies cleaning life. Make your pups first grooming experience fun and happy to ensure your dog looks forward to bath time.

Hand Stripping

[Click for more details]

For dog owners who need their dogs top hair removed on a regular basis. Our experts will ensure you and your dog are happy with the results.

Groomed Dogs

Prince Groomed at Vale Dog Grooming


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Sam Groomed at Vale Dog Grooming


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Jackson Groomed at Vale Dog Grooming


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Lilly Groomed at Vale Dog Grooming


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Chip Groomed at Vale Dog Grooming


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hen euismod sodales drerit
Our Blog


In many homes, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree is the undisputed centrepiece of holiday decorations. Unfortunately, the garlands, tinsel, lights, and ornaments are just as attractive to pets, but can be dangerous if cats and dogs decide this unusual tree is a new and fascinating toy.



Dogs walk in it, roll in it, and snuffle in it. Their hair attracts and holds onto dirt, pollen, second hand smoke, and much more. We pet them, hold them, let them play with the kids and get on the furniture. They should be clean.



The bottom line is that although there are some major differences between a top shelf human shampoo and an economy pet shampoo, there are a great many middle range products that are quite similar.



In many homes, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree is the undisputed centrepiece of holiday decorations. Unfortunately, the garlands, tinsel, lights, and ornaments are just as attractive to pets, but can be dangerous if cats and dogs decide this unusual tree is a new and fascinating toy.



Dogs walk in it, roll in it, and snuffle in it. Their hair attracts and holds onto dirt, pollen, second hand smoke, and much more. We pet them, hold them, let them play with the kids and get on the furniture. They should be clean.

What our customers say

Ive tried many groomers before Vale Dog Groomers but the experience my dog had here was just amazing.

Looking forward to my next visit.

John Murphy

My dog was so happy when I got her back from Vale Dog Grooming. Great service from great staff. Highly recommended.

She looked amazing felt so soft and silky.

Mia Williams

Our Team
Team Member 2

Salon Manager

Naomi operates and manges the Vale Dog Grooming salon.

With her love of dogs and many years of experience in dog grooming are the perfect combination to provide a friendly environment and professional services.

She holds the following qualifications:

C&G Level 2 – Certificate for Dog Grooming Assistants

C&G Level 3 – Certificate in Introductory Dog Grooming

C&G Level 3 – Certificate for Dog Grooming Stylist



1 Willingcroft Cottage,
Pinvin, WR10 2LB


Phone: 01386 555 220
Fax: No Fax Service

How to Find Us